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Massive Open Online Courses

Massive Open Online Courses

Massive Open Online Courses continue to grow in popularity because of the increasing number of networked devices, increasing demand for high-quality education at a low-cost, and rising college enrollment rates. Coursera and OpenLearning are two of many online open course providers. Choosing one that fits a learner's needs requires breaking down the essence of each.


Distance learning faces scrutiny because of the enormous scale and data-driven approach. Bundled quizzes, available video lectures, tests, and various assignments in tandem with online forums and chat rooms creates a classroom experience that allows everyone to participate without a commute to campus or interruptions of work and family.

Proof of completion is free unless an identity-verified certificate is a requirement at a small cost. Otherwise, grading, automatic feedback, and reviews by peers create a premier learning environment for Massive Open Online Courses.

Four Unique Qualities of MOOC Providers

  • Structure- The structure of the learning platform allows for a creative flow to classes. Six weeks feels like nearly nothing, yet learning comes fast and in a straightforward way. Each assignment builds on the last and creates an excitement for education.
  • Forum Interaction- Social aspects of learning are part of the process. With online forum interaction, learning from people from around the World motivates individuals to go further than they would, alone. Coursera is the leader in MOOC providers when it comes to forums.
  • Video- MOOC providers teach through quality video. To enhance understanding and learning, videos make content available to watch over and over until the concept is achievable. In classroom lectures, students only have one shot.
  • Click & Drag- The click and drag feature of MOOCs give students an integrated option for quizzes. Quizlets are the new note takers because of click and drag and testing the understanding of the content before the big test day.
  • Gamification- Competition is a great motivator. Goal driven environments that reward students is always going to be a draw. Gamification badges offer more than merely taking a test well. It keeps a student learning beyond what is a requirement of them.


Courses At Coursera

Free courses that Coursera offers are from various top-notch universities and organisations from around the World. Interactive quizzes, extensive video lectures, and networking learners and instructors are a few of the generous gifts that Coursera provides.

Coursera’s Keys For Learning

Effectiveness – Online learning is not for everyone. However, Coursera creates online classrooms that outdo face-to-face only education. The stronger student outcome shapes Coursera’s class offerings.

Mastery – Coursera persists and wants all learners to understand a concept before moving onto the next.

Blended Learning – Blended learning in any educational institution is proven effective. It increases engagement, performance, and attendance.

Peer Assessments – Graders learn from reading fellow student’s work, and the student graded learns from the peer who gave the grade. Peer assessments are valuable feedback and considered accurate.

OpenLearning And Open Learning

OpenLearning proposes that students go beyond the content and zero in on engagement, networking, and the culture of a community. The standard of enjoying learning with peers is where OpenLearning comes from in the realm of education.

OpenLearning’s pedagogical foundation:

  • Empowerment- Intrinsic motivation drives students to foster a deeper learning experience.
  • Community – The culture of community and connectedness provides a safe social platform in the exchange of ideas and concepts. OpenLearning has two supporting platforms, Learning Environment and the Student Hangout.
  • Authentic Learning- Publishing content is secondary to an active learning experience.

Massive Open Online Courses are the trend of the future in learning. Knowledge gives power to everyone, equally, and freely provided courses are the answer to opening up the World's minds and educating the masses.