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4 Best Parts of Wedding Planning

While some couples may find wedding planning to be intimidating, planning the best day of your life can be as fun as planning a vacation.

best parts of wedding planning

Wedding planning is a great way to intertwine aspects of both your and your partner’s personalities into a cohesive extravaganza that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Your wedding day is, after all, supposed to be the best day of your life, right? Why not make it the best day to plan, too? Gather together some girlfriends and look at Pinterest for some major wedding inspiration. Instagram is another great option for deciding on an aesthetic for your big day. Be sure to ask your partner what colors they’d like to blend into the theme of your wedding. Are you going with more floral colors like pink and purple, or citrusy colors like yellow and orange? You can pick whatever you want! It’s like being a kid in a candy store, only the better adult version…with booze! Cheers to that!

1 - Wedding Cake Tasting

Some of the activities involved in planning your wedding day include cake tasting, which can be a delicious and romantic part of the experience. Consider it a date for you and your significant other. You can even be silly and get some icing on their nose! The cuter, the better.

2 - Trying on Wedding Dresses

A major part of wedding planning, and one that can be incredibly emotional is picking the dress. Bridesmaids can also get in on the fun when choosing their dresses by deciding whether or not to coordinate in a certain color or to all dress uniformly so the bride is the only one who stands out. There are so many options, and you should have fun exploring as many of them as you want! Rather than view it as a task to get done, see it as an adventure on the playground of life. Be prepared for a few tears from auntie and grandma. This can be such a great bonding experience for the ladies, and mom will never forget seeing her little girl finally grow into a big princess. Find here the best online shops for wedding dress!

3 - Choosing a Wedding Venue

Now, the wedding venue. This is where you should be a bit more vigilant, as it requires knowing numbers of guests and what kind of accommodations are necessary the day of the wedding. Will you require an alter? A surround sound microphone system? Will there be space for the DJ to set up his equipment? Sit down with your girlfriends and compile a list of all the logistical things that need to get done within the venue and one by one, begin eliminating the wedding venues that don’t accommodate your needs (or that are simply too big and pricey for your special day). Having a list will be super helpful and you can even include flower options as part of your planning.

4 - Writing Your Wedding Vows

Your vows should be personal to you. Some couples even decide to forego their vows and just party the night away dancing. Love has no rules and you should celebrate your day however you want! Have a fun conversation with your lover and allow your imaginations to run wild! Need some advice: click here.