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By Education Team | 14 June 2023

Why Take a GED Class?

For a long time, a GED, General Education Development, has been considered inferior to a high school diploma. The general idea is that it’s not worth much in the job market. That it is mostly for people who were not able to complete high school or dropped out of school altogether. Because they left school, they reduced their chances to have a successful career and the best alternative to make up for this would be to take a GED class.

The other misconception is that people with a GED don’t get too far and are only limited to entry level or blue collar jobs. Like janitor, garbage man, waitress, and more. This is actually not very true. In reality, as society changed, there are many benefits as to why take a GED class.

Let’s look at a few reasons to take a GED class that if you decide to get a GED, you should.

Incomplete or no education

Life is not the same for everyone. If in fact you have not been able to complete your high school diploma, then a GED is an excellent way to give yourself a chance to do it. You can also do this at any age. You are never to old to get an education and taking a GED class helps you achieve this.

More opportunities

As mentioned before, it used to be that a high school diploma was the only acceptable way to a high paying job or career. Today, a GED gives you that same option. You can go to college and prepare for a better job opportunity. You don’t have to settle for a low wage job. GED credentials are generally accepted by a growing variety of employers as they would someone with a diploma.

It is also important to note that GED scores are as important as would high school. Particularly if you plan to attend college. A higher GED score will help determine your eligibility and the choices you will have.

Social struggles

Sometimes, a traditional class setting in school may not be a good fit for some people. Various disabilities, being bullied, learning difficulty, being behind can discourage some to attend class. Also, immigrants may not have yet developed the social comfort in that setting as well. Taking a GED class gives the flexibility to get an education when life gets too difficult. It is a good alternative to easy social issues a person may face.


This may be for a more personal reason but a very important one. Everyone likes to feel like they are doing something meaningful with their lives. Especially if they didn’t have a way to do it. Some people don’t have the luxury of education growing up in their country. Taking a GED class can help have a sense of accomplishment. It sure feels good to be able to further your education and complete it.

So why take a GED class?

Because you owe it to yourself and, if you have a family, your children to improve your quality of life. It sets a good example to your little ones that you are academically prepared to help them in their school journey, as they will follow in your footsteps.

Don’t let misconceptions get in the way of your progress. GED is a great way to get the education you need. You can find a GED program that will give you support for your success.