By Lifestyle Team | 17 Mar. 2023

The Importance of Oral Hygiene: Why It's Essential for Overall Health

Oral Hygeine

Your oral health can reveal a lot about the overall state of your health and wellbeing. Lack of proper hygiene not only results in oral issues such as cavities and periodontal disease, but it can also directly or indirectly causes more troubling issues in other parts of the body. If you want to maintain good general health, then you should take proper care of your oral hygiene. Oral hygiene extends beyond flossing and daily brushing of teeth. Making routine dental visits and taking dental exams could go a long way in improving your oral hygiene and overall health and wellbeing. In this article, we explore the importance of oral hygiene and the reasons why you should make it a priority.

Oral Hygiene Helps to Detect Heart Problems in Their Early Stages Most people think oral hygiene only helps prevent cavities and tooth decay. However, reports suggest that poor oral hygiene could be linked to heart disease. A considerable percentage of patients who are diagnosed with heart conditions often have gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are said to cause inflammation which eventually leads to the buildup of plaque within arteries. Stroke is also a cardiovascular risk that may occur from bacteria traveling from the mouth through the bloodstream leading to inflammation in artery walls. Maintaining proper hygiene thus may be important in reducing the buildup of plaque and in preventing bacterial inflammation in artery walls. If you take measures to ensure proper oral health, the risk of heart disease could be averted. It is important to note that apart from taking proper care of your oral health, you should get regular exercise and keep cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control since these are crucial steps in reducing the risk of developing heart conditions.

Oral Hygiene Prevents Diabetes

Like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes is a chronic condition that could result from inflammation arising from the buildup of plaque and accumulation of bacteria on the mouth gums. There are many research studies suggesting that people who brush their teeth at least twice a day while regularly carrying out other oral hygiene activities, such as flossing, are at a lower risk of developing diabetes as compared to those who ignore good oral hygiene. Poor oral health is associated with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The importance of oral hygiene, therefore, cannot be emphasized enough as it is a factor that reduces the chances of developing diabetes.

Oral Hygiene Helps to Prevent Cancer

You probably know that oral hygiene improves dental health. However, did you know that proper oral hygiene could play a role in preventing cancer as well? There are studies showing that there are certain types of cancer that are likely to affect people with poor oral hygiene. Gum disease not only increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease, but it is a risk factor for various types of cancer. Brushing teeth daily and flossing could prevent gum disease, and the removal of bacteria may contribute to preventing the development of certain types of cancer. Moreover, regular dental checkups may be vital in identifying early signs of cancerous growth. Timely treatment could be afforded when cancer has been detected early. It is, therefore, important to practice proper oral hygiene to reduce the risk of developing mouth and throat cancer.

Oral Hygiene Prevents Pregnancy Complications

Oral hygiene is essential during pregnancy for the mother and the unborn baby. There are studies linking oral hygiene to an increased risk of pregnancy complications. Gum disease and dental infections that result from poor oral health could, for instance, cause preterm birth and low birth weight. The danger of gum diseases is that they raise hormonal chemicals that induce labor. In such cases, the mother can experience premature delivery and the birth of an underweight child. Other pregnancy complications that could arise due to poor oral health include preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Pregnant women must never underestimate the importance of good oral health. We have already noted examples of complications that could arise due to oral conditions, such as gum disease and the buildup of plaque in the teeth. If you are a pregnant mother, ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. After brushing your teeth, you should use an antibacterial mouthwash to rinse your mouth. You should also regularly floss and visit a dentist once in a while. Following these tips could play a crucial role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy and the delivery of a healthy baby.

Oral Hygiene Improves the Mental Wellbeing

Oral hygiene is not only about your physical health but can also improve your psychological and mental wellbeing. Many people suffer from low confidence because they have bad breath or because they have stained teeth. The discomfort caused by dental issues could also cause anxiety and feelings of depression. If you find yourself in a constant state of worry whenever you think about oral issues affecting you, then poor oral hygiene could be affecting you negatively in a mental sense. Oral hygiene improves your mental wellbeing as you do not experience constant anxiety and stress from oral complications. Oral hygiene thus increases the state of inner peace within an individual and, subsequently, their mental health. Moreover, good oral hygiene makes an individual feel confident about themselves. A person with good oral hygiene, for instance, is less likely to worry about bad breath, which automatically increases their self-confidence and esteem.


Thus far, it is clear that if you are seeking ways to improve your overall health, improving your oral hygiene should be at the top of the list. Most people tend to overlook their oral hygiene when it comes to improving their overall health. However, we have seen several reasons why you need to prioritize your oral hygiene, as it could be the key to a healthy lifestyle. As already discussed, oral hygiene helps to detect cardiovascular diseases and prevent diabetes, cancer, and pregnancy complications. Oral hygiene also plays a significant role in improving the mental wellbeing of an individual. Now you know that brushing, flossing, regular dental checkups, along with other oral hygiene practices not only help to maintain your dental health but will help you to attain an overall state of health and wellbeing. It is upon you now to practice good oral hygiene practices!