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By Consumer Team | 10 Aug. 2023

Is it Worth it to Buy a Tablet?

It’s amazing the amount of technology that now sits in the palm of your hand, isn’t it? When Steve Jobs held up the first generation of the iPod and famously claimed it would hold “a thousand songs in your pocket,” many of us gasped in amazement. These days, that kind of capability almost seems like an afterthought.

Today, tablets are the hottest trend in computing, but as much as they seem like such a universally perfect fit, they’re not for everyone, and with a price that can approach what a regular laptop or desktop can cost, they can also be a significant investment.

Are they worth it? Or are they just another trend that will eventually fade away? Let’s take a quick look at the facts.

Pros of Using a Tablet

  • Portability: This is by far the most important function. The ability to simply pick up and carry that much computing power with you at all times makes the tablet almost indispensable, especially for busy commuters or those who travel frequently. Add in the fact that you can now perform almost every single work related task on a tablet, such as video conferencing, typing spreadsheets, and more, and you have a strong case to invest in one.
  • Multi-Use Capabilities: While tablets are nice, in the eyes of many, they would never surpass the functions that you would find on a dedicated device. If you wanted to read, for instance, you would buy a kindle, not an iPad. These days, not only can you read just as well, but you also have the ability to play games, to take notes, and just about anything else you can think of.
  • Longevity: The battery life on many devices seems to improve almost by the year. They now can last up to ten hours (or more), giving you ample time to take care of all the work/play you want, without ever having to plug it in.

Cons of Using a Tablet

  • Limited Storage: While the cloud makes this almost a moot point, the fact remains that many mobile devices just simply don’t have a ton of storage to speak of. In some cases, you may have less than 100 gigs total - enough for keeping everyday tasks, but not enough to store everything in your life. And while you can pay for extra storage with the bigger models, the prices can sometimes be outrageous.
  • Not Very User-Friendly: There are some instances where tablets shine: portability, capabilities, etc. But there are also some huge drawbacks, such as are found in simply performing the most regular of tasks. Typing on a touchscreen is very nonresponsive, and can be frustrating over long periods of time. Sure, they make bluetooth keyboards that you can add on to make it easier, but doesn’t that kind of defeat the point of having one in the first place?
  • Master of None: Although the technology has far surpassed even what it was one year ago, there is still leaps and bounds to go for devices to catch up with laptops or desktops. For instance, computer gaming is a huge market, and desktops have the sheer computing power necessary to run every type of game imaginable. Devices do not, and most games are relegated to the simple side-scroller, not the graphics-heavy games that consumers demand today. If that’s important to you, it might be worth it to look elsewhere.